How to get started with Convead

We recommend starting with the pre-installed campaigns. A campaign is a ready-made bundle between widgets, emails, and web-push notifications, each of which is aimed at solving a specific task. For example, returning abandoned carts, repeat sales, collecting feedback after the first purchase, etc.

You can see the full list of campaigns and their short descriptions on the Campaigns tab. Pick the ones that are currently relevant for your business and launch them in a few clicks.

How to launch a campaign in Convead

To start you need:

  • Go to one of the campaigns, for example, "Abandoned Carts".

  • One by one go to each element of the campaign - a widget, email, or web-push. For example, email "Cart abandonment (after 45 min)".

  • Check content - text, pictures, blocks. You can make changes if you wish. For example, add a block with popular products. When finished, click "Next".

⚠️ Attention! Some campaigns involve the use of a promo code for a discount. Carefully check the content of widgets and newsletters before launching them.

  • Check from whom an email will be sent, and set up UTM tags (optional).

⚠️ Attention! The settings for pre-installed web forms, emails, and web-push notifications cannot be edited. This is done in order not to accidentally break the logic of the campaign.

Create a copy of the element to make changes to the settings.

  • Start the element by clicking on the "Send" and track its result.

Not all campaigns will be available during the trial period. They will be automatically unlocked when you switch to a paid subscription.

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