Instructions for installing Convead on Joomla

1. Check that your CMS is compatible.

Our plugin was tested on Joomla 3.x with VirtueMart, JoomShopping, and Hikashop extensions.

  • Joomla Version 2.5 / 3.x
  • Virtuemart 2.6 / 3.x
  • JoomShopping 3.x / 4.x
  • HikaShop 2.2+
  • support for PHP extensions: curl, mbstring

2. Install the Convead plugin via the Joomla extension manager.

In the admin panel of your Joomla store, go to the “Extension manager” > “Installation” section.

Go to the “Install from URL” tab, enter the plugin address in our repository, and click “Install”.

After successful installation you will see the message “Installing plugin was successful”. Go to “Extension manager” > “Management”. Find the Convead plugin with the help of the search box and change the status to a green checkmark.

3. Configure the plugin

Go to “Extensions” > “Plugin Manager”. Find the Convead plugin with the help of the search box and click on its name.

Enter the API key of your Convead account in the appropriate field and change the currency ID if necessary:

How do I find the currency ID?

  • VirtueMart – “Components” > “VirtueMart” > “Configuration” > “Settings” > “Currency”. See the currency code in the “Code (3)”column.
  • JoomShopping – “Components” > “JoomShopping” > “Options” > “Currency”. Click on the currency name to see its code.
  • HikaShop – “Components” > “HikaShop” > “Configuration”. Section “System” > “Currency”. See the currency code in the “Basic currency” field.

4. Make sure that the Joomla plugin is enabled in your online store.

  • For “VirtueMart” – “Components” > “VirtueMart” > “Configuration”. The “Enable Joomla plugins” option should be enabled in the “Store settings” section.
  • For “JoomShopping” – “Components” > JoomShopping > “Settings” > “Product”. The option “Use plug-ins in the description?” must be enabled.
  • For “HikaShop” – Cheers! You don’t have to do anything!

If you have a store on VirtueMart, you will have to make one small change to the store’s source code.

  1. Open components/com_virtuemart/helpers/cart file.php
  2. Find the public function add (…) {…}

At the end of this function, before the “if” line ($updateSession== false), return false; paste the following code:

<code><code>/* Convead hack */JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmcustom');$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();$dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnAddToCart',array($this));/* End Convead hack */

5. Make sure that the plugin is installed correctly.

Make a trial purchase. The order should appear in the admin panel of your store. The order will appear on the Convead funnel within 30 minutes after you leave the site.

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