Instructions for installing Convead on the Magento CMS
First, you need to download the archive from our repository. Next, you need to download the module via Magento Connect Manager.
- In the admin panel, go to “System” > “Magento Connect” > “Magento Connect Manager”. Enter your login and password from the store admin panel.
- In the “Direct package file upload” section, click the “Browse” button and specify the archive with the module on your computer. Click the “Upload” button.
- If the module is installed, in the lower part of the Magento Connect Manager window you should see the text “Package installed: community Convead” and “Procedure completed”. If you cannot install the module in this way, try to install it via FTP
How to install the module using FTP:
- Unpack the archive with the module and upload the “app” folder from it via FTP to the root of your site. Replace any existing files if necessary.
- Clear your Magento cache: in the admin panel, go to “System” > “Cache Manager” and click “Flush Magento Cache”.
Then go to the admin panel of your store, the section “System” > “Configuration”.
In the sidebar, go to “Sales” > “Sales”.
In the “Convead Settings” section, enter the API key of your account in the “API-key” field, set the “Enabled” switch to “Yes” and save the changes with the “Save Config” button.
Make sure the plugin is installed correctly.
Make a trial purchase. The order should appear in the admin panel of your store. The order will appear on the Convead funnel within 30 minutes after you leave the site.